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Peritonitis (FIP) in cats and its symptoms

Feline Infectious Peritonitis (FIP) is a life-threatening disease. It can happen to cats and kittens. A very small proportion of cats or kittens develop FIP. This disease is caused by the cat coronavirus. which can be contracted through contact with infected feces Sharing litter boxes, food bowls, or brushing equipment


What is peritonitis in cats?

Peritonitis in cats refers to the inflammation of the peritoneum, the thin tissue lining the inner walls of the abdomen and covering most of the abdominal organs. This condition can be infectious or non-infectious. Feline Infectious Peritonitis (FIP) is a specific, severe form caused by a mutation of the feline coronavirus. Symptoms of peritonitis can vary but often include abdominal pain and swelling, decreased appetite, lethargy, and fever. The condition may lead to fluid accumulation in the abdomen, causing further discomfort and health complications. Immediate veterinary care is essential to manage symptoms and address the underlying cause.

What are the FIP types?

Feline Infectious Peritonitis (FIP) is a serious and often fatal viral disease that affects cats. It is caused by a mutation of the feline coronavirus. Symptoms vary widely but generally include two forms: wet (effusive) and dry (noneffusive). The wet form is characterized by the accumulation of fluid in body cavities, leading to a swollen abdomen, difficulty breathing, and lethargy. The dry form, while less obvious, involves granulomas forming in various organs, causing symptoms like fever, weight loss, anemia, and neurological disorders. Early detection and supportive care are crucial for managing this complex disease.

What is wet FIP?

Wet FIP, or the effusive form of Feline Infectious Peritonitis, is one of the two manifestations of this viral disease in cats. It is characterized by the accumulation of fluid within the abdomen or chest, leading to visible swelling and respiratory distress. The fluid, which is typically yellow and sticky, is a result of inflammation caused by the virus affecting the blood vessels in these cavities. Symptoms of wet FIP include difficulty breathing, lethargy, fever, and a distended abdomen. This form of FIP progresses rapidly and is generally more severe, requiring prompt veterinary intervention.

What is dry FIP?

Dry FIP, or the non-effusive form of Feline Infectious Peritonitis, is characterized by the absence of fluid accumulation seen in the wet form. Instead, it involves the formation of granulomas or inflammatory masses in various organs, including the kidneys, liver, pancreas, eyes, and nervous system. Symptoms of dry FIP can be more subtle and varied depending on the organs affected but often include chronic weight loss, fever, lethargy, and changes in behavior. Neurological symptoms such as seizures or coordination problems may also occur if the brain is affected. Dry FIP progresses more slowly than the wet form but is equally serious and requires immediate veterinary care.

What are the symptoms of FIP?

Symptoms of FIP come in many different forms. and symptoms of wet And the dry type is different. However, both wet and dry FIP have somewhat similar symptoms. There are various details as follows.

Diagnosing FIP.jpg


Anorexia and Weight loss

Significant weight loss is another common symptom of FIP in cats, as the cat's body is unable to properly absorb nutrients from food. Loss of appetite is common in cats with FIP. The cat refuses to eat. There may be nausea. This results in weight loss over time.


Fatigue and weakness

FIP in cats often causes loss of energy and fatigue. Cats are less active due to illness and tend to sleep all the time.


High Body Temperature

Cats with FIP may have fevers as high as 40 degrees Celsius. This is usually caused by inflammation caused by the virus in the cat's internal organs, including the lungs, kidneys and liver. If you notice that your cat has had a high fever for several days, Take your cat to the veterinarian for a thorough examination.


Swollen stomach and chest

Cats with wet FIP have fluid buildup in their abdominal and chest cavities. Abdominal enlargement may occur due to fluid accumulation. This may cause the cat's stomach to appear bloated or uncomfortable. This makes it more difficult for the cat to breathe and move.


respiratory problems

FIP can cause fluid to build up in your cat's lungs. makes it difficult to breathe and may cause rapid breathing or difficulty breathing Cats may show symptoms such as wheezing and coughing when breathing. If your cat shows signs of breathing problems It is important to see a doctor immediately.


Pupil problem

FIP can cause inflammation and damage to your cat's eyes. Cats may experience symptoms such as a runny nose, redness, and sensitivity to light. This condition is called retinal FIP.


Jaundice in cats

Jaundice can be seen on yellow-discolored areas of the cat's body, such as the gums, ears, nose, palms, and pupils.


Problems at the joints and balance problems

The neurological form of FIP can cause your cat's joints to become stiff. This makes movement difficult. FIP can cause granulomas in your cat's nervous system and brain tissue. This causes cats to show neurological symptoms, such as balance problems, paralysis, and seizures.


Anemia in cats

We can only know this detail from a blood test.

Diagnosing FIP

Diagnosing Feline Infectious Peritonitis (FIP) can be challenging due to the variety of symptoms that mimic other diseases. However, veterinarians use a combination of clinical signs, history, and diagnostic tests to make a determination. Key steps in diagnosing FIP include:

  1. Clinical Examination: Vets assess symptoms such as fever, lethargy, abdominal distension, and weight loss. They may also notice fluid accumulation or neurological signs during physical exams.

  2. Biochemical Tests: Blood tests can show anomalies like anemia, elevated liver enzymes, or protein imbalances. A high protein level in blood, particularly a high globulin level, can be indicative of FIP.

  3. Imaging: Ultrasound or X-rays are used to detect fluid accumulation in the abdomen or chest, and to examine the condition of internal organs.

  4. Fluid Analysis: If fluid is present, it can be analyzed for characteristics typical of FIP, such as its specific protein content and cell type.

  5. Polymerase Chain Reaction (PCR) Tests: These tests detect coronavirus genetic material in blood or fluid samples, which can support an FIP diagnosis.

  6. Immunohistochemistry: In cases where FIP is strongly suspected, tissue samples from affected organs can be examined for the presence of the virus.

Despite these tools, FIP remains one of the more difficult diseases to definitively diagnose, especially in its early stages or the dry form. A combination of clinical judgment and diagnostic results is often necessary to reach a conclusive diagnosis.

Treating FIP in Cats

Treating Feline Infectious Peritonitis (FIP) has historically been challenging, but recent advancements have provided certainly treatment. Effective treatment primarily relies on antiviral medications. Here’s an overview of the current treatment approach:

  1. Antiviral Drugs: The most significant breakthrough in FIP treatment is the use of antiviral drugs like GS-441524 and its derivatives. They are typically administered either as injections or oral capsules over a period of several weeks to months. 

  2. Supportive Care: Alongside antiviral therapy, supportive care is crucial. This may include fluid therapy to manage dehydration, anti-inflammatory medications to reduce fever and inflammation, and nutritional support to combat weight loss and anorexia.

  3. Immune Modulators: Some treatments may involve drugs that modulate the immune system, helping to reduce the excessive inflammatory response seen in FIP.

  4. Monitoring and Follow-up: Regular follow-ups with blood tests and physical exams are essential to monitor the progress of treatment and adjust as necessary.

  5. Palliative Care: In cases where treatment is not feasible or effective, palliative care focuses on maintaining the quality of life through pain management and supportive treatments.

It's important for cat owners to work closely with their veterinarians to choose the best course of action based on the type and severity of FIP, as well as the cat’s overall health and response to initial treatments.

Prevention of FIP disease

Preventing infection with the coronavirus is the best way to prevent FIP. Maintaining good home hygiene and separating infected cats from healthy cats is important. There is also a vaccine for peritonitis in cats. But there is still debate about the effectiveness of the vaccine.

Necessary vaccines for kittens

All kittens must receive their main vaccinations, which include:

  • Cat flu vaccine (fHV and FCV)

  • Feline distemper virus (FPV) vaccine

  • Feline leukemia virus (FeLV) vaccine

Why should you choose Basmi FIP Thailand?

  1. ​Proven Treatment: Our medicine based on GS-441524 has been scientifically proven to fight FIP, giving your cat the best chance at a full recovery. There are both injection and oral forms. Our treatments are tailored to your cat's unique needs.

  2. Trusted Expertise: With years of experience and a deep understanding of FIP, our team is committed to providing the highest standards of care and support. We work closely with veterinarians to ensure your cat receives the best treatment.

  3. Compassionate Support: We know that a FIP diagnosis can cause stress and strong emotions. Our dedicated support team is here for you 24/7, providing advice, answering questions, and encouragement throughout your cat's recovery journey.

  4. Fast and Secure Delivery: Time is of the essence when it comes to FIP treatment. That's why we offer fast and secure delivery to ensure your cat receives the medicine it needs without delay.

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Frequently asked questions

Is FIP contagious in cats?

Treating Feline Infectious Peritonitis (FIP) has seen promising advancements with the introduction of antiviral drugs like GS-441524, which target the virus directly and can significantly improve outcomes. These medications, often administered through injections or oral capsules, are complemented by supportive care including fluid therapy, anti-inflammatory drugs, and nutritional support. Regular monitoring and adjustments based on the cat's response to treatment are crucial. For many cats, this combined approach can lead to remission, offering hope in the fight against this previously daunting diagnosis.

How is FIP transmitted in cats?

Feline Infectious Peritonitis (FIP) is caused by a mutation of the feline coronavirus (FCoV), which is commonly transmitted among cats. The transmission of FCoV primarily occurs through direct contact with infected feces, which can happen in environments where cats share litter boxes, such as multi-cat households, shelters, and catteries. The virus can also be spread through contact with contaminated surfaces like food bowls and grooming tools.

While FCoV is quite common and often only causes mild digestive symptoms, in a small percentage of cases, the virus mutates into the form that causes FIP. This mutation can trigger an abnormal immune response, leading to the development of FIP. The exact reason why this mutation occurs in some cats and not others is not fully understood, but it's believed that genetic factors and immune system health play significant roles. Therefore, while many cats may be exposed to and may even carry the coronavirus, only a few will develop FIP from it.

Does cat FIP infect people?

Feline Infectious Peritonitis (FIP) is specific to cats and does not infect humans. The virus that causes FIP, a mutation of the feline coronavirus (FCoV), is distinct from coronaviruses that infect humans. There is no evidence to suggest that FIP or FCoV can be transmitted to humans, so people are not at risk of contracting this disease from their cats. It's important to focus on supportive care and appropriate treatment for affected cats, as FIP can be a serious and often fatal condition in felines.

What is FIP?

Feline peritonitis or FIP (Feline Infectious Peritonitis) is an infectious disease caused by the immune system. causing blood vessel inflammation which can damage various systems such as the abdominal organs, chest cavity, eyes, and nervous system.

What is the difference between feline coronavirus (FCoV) and FIP?

Feline coronavirus (FCoV) is a virus that is common in cats and usually causes mild symptoms. But FIP is a serious disease caused by mutations of FCoV in a cat's body.

Are cats in a household with a cat with FIP at risk of infection?

Other cats in the home are at risk of contracting FCoV from an infected cat. But not all will develop FIP. The mutations that cause FIP are unique to each individual.

How is FIP diagnosed?

Diagnosis of FIP is difficult and often requires assessment of multiple sources, such as clinical symptoms. blood test results Making an ultrasound and sometimes a biopsy

What are the initial symptoms of FIP?

Initial symptoms include fatigue, loss of appetite, weight loss, and fever that does not respond to antibiotics.

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